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  • Friday Morning Hike

Friday Morning Hike

  • Friday, December 06, 2024
  • 09:00 - 12:00


Registration is closed

We walk at a brisk pace for about two hours on Friday mornings throughout the year in the Geneva countryside and canton Vaud using public transport. We usually meet around 9:00  and end around noon. Registration is required by 16:00 the day before the hike.- remember to hit confirm or your registration will not go through. Once you register, a confirmation email will be sent to you .

Questions??  Email aiwcfridaymorninghikes@gmail

Check the  Friday Hike Activity Update Forum for details about this weeks hike and "SUBSCRIBE" to receive hiking notification emails in your inbox. In your personal profile, select to receive  these emails immediately.

    General Information and Guidelines: updated 29, October 2020

    1. Children and pets are not allowed on hikes.
    2. Hikes are generally 2 to 2.5 hours and generally about 8 kilometers, though this may vary. 
    3. Hikes are led by volunteer leaders who will supply all the necessary information about the hike on the AIWC Forum by Wednesday morning before the hike
    4. If no hike is to take place that week, an email stating this will be sent out by end-morning on Wednesday.
    5. Leaders may, on rare occasions, limit the size of the group in the interest of safety.
    6. Hikers are responsible for wearing appropriate clothing and shoes and for bringing all necessary equipment and supplies, particularly water and snacks.
    7. Participants are responsible for their own safety and wellbeing and must follow the instructions provided by hike leaders.
    8. The AIWC declines responsibility for the loss of personal property.

    AIWC Clubrooms

    Route de ChĂȘne 11

    1207 Geneva 

    Office Hours

    Mon - Thurs


    Closed on Swiss Holidays, the first two weeks in August, and two weeks around Christmas and New Year.

    Contact Us

    Tel: 022 736 01 20


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