We need your help to set up and staff our first AIWC Kids Spring Resale Event.
Thursday, April 3: Volunteers will be needed on Drop Off Day to help set up the Club, check in Sellers, quality-check items and help sort clothes into areas by size and gender. There may be some lifting involved.
Friday, April 4 and Saturday, April 5: For the days of the sale we will need volunteers for general tidying up during and after the sessions. After the sale, we will need to sort any remaining items either for donation or to return to sellers, who will need to come after the end of the Resale if they are not donating.
Sunday, April 6: Tidying up the Clubrooms for normal Club activities. Boxing up donated items for charity pick-up.
Route de ChĂȘne 11
1207 Geneva
Mon - Thurs
Tel: 022 736 01 20